Best store for traditional products

About Us

* We are an online store specialized in selling traditional products of the African (Ethiopia - Eritrea - Sudan - Somalia). * Our products include accessories, clothes and foods . * We always strive to provide the best traditional products at low prices * Currently, we serve only residents of the city of Toronto

Delivery & Returns

1- If you want to exchange or return the product, you must contact us first. 2 - The customer has the right to return the product within 3 days from the date of receipt, provided that the product is intact and no change has occurred. The customer bears the full shipping costs, and the cost of the product is returned to the customer within 14 working days. 3 - The customer has the right to replace the product with another, before sending the shipment. After sending the shipment, he is entitled to a replacement within 7 working days, and he must bear the full shipping cost and the product cost difference, if any. 4 - If the product is defective, or does not conform to the specifications that were determined at the time of purchase, the customer has the right to replace or return the product within 7 days. The customer then has the right to get the full amount back. 5 - Comprehensive products in discounts and offers are not exchangeable or refundable, with the exception of a defect in the product, see: Article 4 of the return and exchange policies. 6 - Products cannot be returned or exchanged in the following cases: – Return is not accepted after 3 days from the date of receipt, and exchange is not accepted after 7 days. - When the product is changed from its original condition for any reason - When used beyond the purpose of the experiment. - Products that were manufactured at the request of the customer according to the specifications he specified.

Payment Info

* Our store allows cash payment upon receipt of the shipment * Soon, our store will provide other payment methods

Contact Us

Our address
47 Thorncliffe Park Dr , Toronto, ON, M4h 1J5
Get directions
Open hours
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM